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Monday, December 30, 2013

Data in (or out of) the US

The Analytics world will certainly be affected by all of the news around the NSA and other US government moves.  Bloomberg reports:
"Some companies are apparently so concerned about the NSA snooping on their data that they're requiring - in writing - that their technology suppliers store their data outside the U.S."
And for data that does travel through or stay in the US, we also need to be mindful of how it moves in/out of our datacenters.  Consider Microsoft, who according to the Washington Post, are considering taking actions, noting that:
"executives are meeting this week to decide what encryption initiatives to deploy and how quickly"
All of these changes are a big deal for companies like Webtrends and others who take data security and privacy very seriously.  Worldwide data collection, and powerful streaming architecture will become even more paramount to solve the ever-changing high-performance Analytics demands from a diverse and concerned customer base.


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